
Student Life Pet Guide 

Welcome New Pet Owners. Thank you for  joining us online!

Here at Barkera, we are dedicated to providing new pet owners with the knowledge and resources needed to ensure your pets lead happy, healthy lives. This online hub is your gateway to a wealth of information, learning materials, and community activities that complement the content in our magazine. Our goal is to set you up for success on your pet ownership journey and help you create a loving, nurturing environment for your new furry family member.

Your Comprehensive Guide on Proactive and Preventative Pet Care


Proactive Approach To Pet Care

Learn how to be proactive in both your own and your pet’s care.

Learn Preventative Pet Care

Learn how to prevent common issues from happening in the first place 

Enjoy The Community of Elevated Pet Owners

Gain exclusive access to a private pet owner community and learn from industry experts and network with other pet owners in a friendly atmosphere.


Unlock Your Pet Owner Skills And Take Them To The Next Level!


“Leaders in Innovation, Believers of Education, Fueled By Passion”

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